Sunday, November 22, 2009

2009 Operation First Novel Finalists Announced!

The Christian Writers Guild has chosen it's four finalists for their annual Operation First Novel Contest, something very close to my heart as winner of their 2007 installment for Fireflies in December.

The finalists are:

Jon Wakefield for Fatal Reality
Mark Sylvester for Coming Up Short
Deb Harper for Misstep
Sara Richardson for New Every Morning

Congratulations to each one! They have put in a ton of time and effort to be where they are, and I wish them all the best with their writing careers.

Reputable contests such as this one are fantastic ways for writers to get inside that narrow crack in the publishing door. Have a work-in-progress you're toying with? Maybe next years' First Novel contest would be a great goal for you.

Who knows? You could be listed here in 2010!

1 comment:

C.J. Darlington said...

I second Jennifer's words! :)