Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to My Blog!

No one ever told me this writing business would include writing a blog so bear with me while I figure this thing out!

I may be a GenXer, but in the technological department, I’m way behind even my nephews, and I’m still trying to figure out what the term blog actually means. As I write, my spell check is determinedly underlining the word blog with a red line. Which makes me wonder… does it even exist?

But yes, it does, as I’m gradually coming to acknowledge, and I hope that whatever thoughts I express here serve to inspire or encourage you, whatever your literary interests. My posts will be aimed primarily towards writers, but I hope they will be of interest to those who don’t write but enjoy reading what comes out of the hearts of those who do. What I found before I got started in this business was that there are a ton of books and articles about what happens before signing a contract but very few references to what happens after, which is why I’m picking my way through this post-contract obstacle course very gingerly. So my hope is to record some of my experiences in such a way as to give aspiring writers a glimpse of what might be in your future and to shed some light on an industry we writers spend so much time scrutinizing from the outside.

My prayer for you all, writers and readers alike, is that you will know the joy and contentment of letting the Lord use the gifts and abilities He’s given you to fulfill His perfect purpose for your life.


C.J. Darlington said...


Recently finished and reviewed your novel, and I'll send you the link when it appears on (a website I co-founded with my sister devoted to Christian entertainment).

I'm actually writing regarding your Operation First Novel experiences. I just found out my novel is a finalist in this year's contest, and I just wanted to ask you how your experience went. :) I can't seem to find your e-mail address, but if you would like to correspond, my e-mail address is cj @ cjdarlington dot com (remove spaces).

Hope your writing is going well. I enjoyed your novel!

All the best,
C.J. Darlington

Rel said...

Hey Jennifer,

I've previewed your book on my blog :)

Blessings this Christmas!

Ethan M. said...

Hey, Aunt Jen! Say, pretty nice blog you've got. As odd as it may sound, blog is just a contraction of web log. weBLOG. See? Hope that clears it all up.

Kathleen Popa said...

Gorgeous website, Jennifer! Congratulations!

Christina Tarabochia said...

I finished your book last night and will plug it very soon on my blog. Loved it. Read it in two nights. Yes, I came home from a New Year's party before midnight so I could stay up to 2 AM with Fireflies in December!

I recently signed a contract for my first novel that placed 2nd in the Genesis last year. The Familiar Stranger releases in September from Moody!

Also, I've been bloging a bit about what happened after contract signing. Haven't gotten to the point yet on my blog, but two days after I signed, my editor left for another house. Crazy world!!

M. C. Pearson said...

FIRST Wild Card Tours will be touring your book on January 7th. Just thought I'd give you a head's up!


Mimi Pearson

Jennifer Erin Valent said...

Thanks, Christina! It's so great to hear you enjoyed Fireflies. It's a great compliment when someone stays up late to read your book!:)

Congratulations on your contract! I look forward to reading The Familiar Stranger.


Jennifer Erin Valent said...

Thanks so much for getting in touch with me about the blog tour, Mimi. I'm looking forward to it!
