This weekend was supposed to be my big writing weekend. I had planned to get a ton of book #3 accomplished, and I was looking forward to being able to make great strides in the story. It was a well-planned, much anticipated few days... and then I injured my back.
I have no idea how. There was no moment of, "Oh, now I've done it." There was no slip or fall or over-long shopping trip in too-high heels. But that didn't matter because I was limited to two relatively comfortable positions, nonetheless. So instead of hours of productivity, I ended up with hours in bed, dependent on a heating pad and Advil.
It took me a while, but after a little quiet time before the Lord it hit me... maybe I do know what caused it. After all, there's something to be said about a weekend of forced relaxation. Sometimes we're just so busy, so focused on our goals, that we don't listen to what the Lord is trying to tell us. We don't take the time to sit still and listen, to read His word, to pray over our problems and concerns, to worship.
So sometimes He takes us out of commission. Physically, our goals become out of our reach, and all our well-intentioned plans fall by the wayside. That was my weekend. I got absolutely no work done at all. And the way my back is hollering at me right now, I'm sure I won't get more than this blog done today, as well.
But this is no slump. The Lord blessed me with His presence in wonderful ways this weekend, and I'm incredibly grateful that He chose to force me there. I only wish that wasn't necessary; that I could remove myself from the hectic pace of life voluntarily and sit before Him willingly.
So if you find yourself struggling physically today, maybe you're being called to rest, too. Try not to look at your circumstances as roadblocks but as opportunities. Anytime we can take a vacation from life to bask in the renewed life only God can give, we start to see the world differently. God's perspective seeps into the picture and the daily tasks don't seem so daunting.
I probably won't be able to get back at the computer for a day or two more, but you know what? The story will still be there for me when I get back. And the likelihood is, it'll go from my head to my keyboard a lot more effectively. Because God is the master of perspective and ability, and the more time I spend in His presence, the more they're bound to rub off on me.
And I figure I could use all the help I can get.
Life Just Got Real by Sadie Robertson
8 years ago